Tomorrow is the prom at ‘our’ high school so after decorating there will be another getting ready session and then photos, and the ‘march’ and then the gala. I’ll head back in tomorrow for that event. I was thinking this evening that all three of our girls who have to date attended five proms, have cost less than half of one usual female attendee. I sewed dresses for the two older sisters then this one found two dresses at Frenchy’s (the one this evening was $9, tomorrow’s was $8) and her older sister found a $5 outfit the year she came back as a courtesy date for her sister’s boyfriend’s friend. Can’t ask for better than that. So glad I don’t have materialistic children. In fact I’ve always thought they were the most beautiful girls at the prom.
In all the festivities I managed last night to get my biography done to go with my publicity photo. Hard to explain me in 250 words as I’m such a complex woman ha! I also submitted my postcard story about the movie Woodstock to a website called Silver Boomers - sounds like the appropriate venue eh? Have made myself a promise to write/submit pieces regularly. How else am I going to get myself invited on press trips eh?