Prom # 1 went well. A good time was had by all. There were many reports of baby daughter sightings reported to this proud mother. Apparently after dancing the night away there was a modest post prom festivity (not like the 200+ crowd at the main prom party) and then a sleep in today.

Getting ready today involved a crisis call for dropped lipstick on dress which the date's mother apparently figured out the remedy for. This evening brought another grand march and group photo. I was eaten up by mosquitos as I waited in the crowd of parent paparazzis. Managed to get caught up on all the local news and see some folks I hadn't run into in a while. You know you live in a small area when the local prom is the biggest social event of the season. I came home to find the main squeeze having a nap here before attending the second prom party. This was followed by the #1 son and his girlfriend dropping by to get caught up on the news and a phone call from daughter #1 to check to see how the prom was going. I finished up the family connections with a call to daughter # 2 to say that we'll expect she'll be on the bus tomorrow evening for the next day graduation.
Now lest you think that this post is all about social activities I'll leave you with some information so you can feel you've learned something valuable from surfing. My life partner likes to surprise me with info he's gleaned from the Discovery or History channel. Today at work when I was reading the Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal online (don't scoff it's research) I discovered an article about Buffalopox. Sounds like something you'd read in the National Enquirer. Now just when you thought you had everything organized into categories to worry about. Apparently it's common in burn units in Karachi, Pakistan where the virus is transmitted as buffalos are the most common dairy animals and butter or ghee is used as a home dressing for burns. I decided against including photos, some things you just don't need to see before you go to bed but you just never know when this bit of trivia may come in handy.
I'm too old for all this partying I think. when someone at work asked how I was today I told them I was tired as I was graduating this week for the last time.