Work was…interesting - isn’t that what you say when you don’t want to be rude? I had a headache by 9 a.m. (and I don’t regularly get headaches) and thought my brain was going to blow up - trying NOT to yell is dangerous!
I did however perform a random act of kindness for a very frustrated mother and son who were frantically trying to be proactive in the mumps situation. I had a call from a lady late morning telling me the most insane story of unhelpfulness from the entire healthcare system in several counties for over two weeks as she was attempting to have her son immunized before leaving for Cadet camp on Monday. She seemed very determined and I joked when meeting them that he didn’t seem like the kind of kid you were desperate to ship off somewhere. I think it had just become one of those situations where she was NOT going to let the ridiculous best her. Several weeks ago the cadets planning to attend camp were mailed a letter saying they would have to have an MMR shot. Now this is almost impossible as the vaccine is not publicly available yet. This mother had attempted to find the immunization records (incomplete) have her Dr. give the shot (off on extended sick leave) have another Dr. give the shot so drove to the clinic an hr. away (was given a prescription for the vaccine) picked up the vaccine at the pharmacy (several days later at a cost of $44) and COULD NOT find someone to vaccinate this poor child so he could go to band camp. She had spent the past two days contacting all the physicians in the county, VON, Public Health and every nurse she knew begging them to immunize this boy, no one would agree (liabilities what a convenient excuse) or wasn't available for weeks. When she laid out their situation I said “I’m a mother too, if you don’t mind driving ½ hr here to the hospital, I’ll give it for you” She tells me that she’s put a lot more miles on than that in the past little while and she’ll be there within an hour. A 10 minute visit and they’re off happy as clams. Doesn’t take much sometimes.
Quote of the day:
Elbert Hubbard got it ‘write’ when he wrote - ‘The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.’
Learn to see mistakes as opportunities.
I had a “Mom how you make……?” phone call this evening from daughter # 2 about kabobs and strawberry shortcake (as she was about to entertain her future mother-in-law) so I asked about the mumps situation. “Oh yes, the room mate’s mumps were confirmed by Public Health, but he‘s ok now” she says. So where are the rest of you in the incubation period? “Oh they didn’t say anything about that”. Review of lengthy incubation period etc. but no further clarity. I give up. I will adopt the Generation Y ‘don’t think it’s going to happen’ approach as it appears to be working.
I also had an email from a loyal blog reader giving notice of a job interview booked on July 26th so we should all think positively about this as the group energy will assist. Not that this is required for a person who is seriously over qualified for the position.
Today I found the term goombled as in ‘I stumbled across this topic while googling something‘ as a new technology term. Change always brings its own new language. As well, the comment on the web about a site called Zude where you can build your own web pages and drag and drop things into it from widgets to Youtube:
It's impressive that you can do that, I just don't know if anyone really would want to.
Now I’m thinking that comment could apply to many aspects of life eh?
The other quote which caught my eye was about what’s wrong with blogging:
Too many people, with nothing to say, who think what they’ve said is important and true. There’s no way to easily separate the noise from fact, from fiction or from wishful thinking. Blogging is the perfect post modern tool–truth is relative and everyone has their own truth.
Or the condensed version:
Blogs – just because you can, doesn’t mean you should
Which would also apply to over 40 year old European and Quebecois males on the beaches in the Caribbean wearing Speedos! Sorry for that visual image.
Today I picked up the copy of Laws of Attraction by Esther & Jerry Hicks which I ordered online from Chapters. Supposedly better than The Secret which is now popular. Since the weather forecast (in which the monsoons have already begun) is for book reading weather I will make this my weekend project. Well, actually it looks pretty interesting so I might get a head start on it this evening - it’s almost the weekend.