Had daughter # 1 down for an early supper because the writing group was meeting this p.m. at the museum to write about pieces of art in the gallery there. We all each chose two pictures and wrote about them. The finished work has to be submitted by email on the weekend and they’ll be typed up, mounted and displayed by the work. It was fun.
"If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in writing." -- Kingsley Amis
There was a teacher there tonight who is working in a private school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and has been 19 years in the Caribbean and 6 in Africa. He tossed off names like Togo, Martinique, Egypt in his travels. He had been a French teacher on Brier Island, Digby for a while as well. Sure has had a taste of the exotic. It made me dream of my semi retirement plans for sure.
As well, when I returned I read the Sunday paper and there was an interesting article by Silver Donald Cameron about cheap computers for the third world. There are plans afoot for a laptop powered by solar or crank which sure has potential for my exotic work but in the meantime there is a computer called decTOP by Data Evolution Company that supposedly sells for $99 US and will run PowerPoint etc. If this is the case sign me up as it would work for my cruise speaking venture. You can check it out here:
This highlights the principle that we all buy seriously over serviced products and that computers are designed according to the gamers needs. Hmm decisions, decisions.