The only son did not make (or really attempt to make) the Safety Council Motorcycle course last weekend which was worth $425. I questioned him repeatedly before I registered him and he assured me that he was definitely going. I reminded the girlfriend and she assured me too. But he did go at 6 pm on Friday when it started. He did however end up somewhere at a party because at 10 p.m. I got a call from loud teenagers telling me I’d won the 649 - when I told them his name they all yelled “man she’s onto us” and of course I can hear his nibs voice the loudest in the background. I could quite cheerfully have kicked his posterior into the next county. It is a good thing that he was back out on the water after getting the trawl baited quickly.
The youngest daughter’s boyfriend requires a first aid course in order to attend his university program. Every year I get frantic calls from students who are unable to read their instruction letters and so I end up with a small class. This is not a money making venture, very inconvenient and annoys me. So this Saturday and Monday I will be doing a class for 3 students - instead of camping because the aforementioned baby daughter could not fit it into their schedule. This means tomorrow I will have to head from work in the other direction to pick up first aid course supplies.
We’ve decided with two tuitions coming up in September that we HAVE to sell the old house. So I’ll call the real estate agent tomorrow and put it down to $82,000 which will mean we’ll see about $76,000 should we sell it. Got to do something but it gives me a pain when I see lots of $300,000 properties that are not as nice or no better. Sigh.
Tomorrow is the last day I work before vacation. Yeehaw. The plans for the week off include some yard work, possibly camping and getting ready for the pig roast. There is talk of actually getting the mulch for the flower beds. We'll see. As long as it doesn’t include microbes, I do not care.
Since today was pay day I picked up, brought home and put away $225 worth of groceries so at least that chore is done. I met several of the mothers/babies that I'd visited when I was a Public Health Nurse and it really made me nostalgic for that great job. This led to cleaning out the fridge, cupboards etc. along the way so became a marathon session. Now things are ship shape because the cleaning lady had come today too.
Daughter # 2 is back from her tall ships adventure to Louisburg and had an “awesome time” despite mal de mar on the first day. The second day sounds better with a view of every star in the sky upon getting up for 4 a.m. watch and seeing the sunrise, going aloft and having a friend take a photo. Great memories.
And that is what it's all about isn't it as we can't take the material things with us.