Thursday, May 28, 2009

Watching for the Weekend

Well, it's almost the weekend and I don't care if I get mouldy I am sure ready for two days off and have any number of projects to work on. I'm also excited for the weekend as the local (ancient) movie theatre is playing the latest Star Trek, doesn't get much better than that.

It's been the kind of week where I had an enlargement made of one of my vacation photos (myself sitting in the lap of a troll statue in Bergen, Norway) and framed it (visit to the Dollar store) for my office. I had only meant to do a 5 x 7 but you know those photo kiosks, there are such limited options so this I use to warn folks of what I'm capable of. Speaking of all things photographic, when I was looking for info on the camera repair center I found this blog:

which appears to be in part postings of the Maritimes, with some nice pics.

The second best part of my week has been when one of the staff members and her daughter arrived for a visit to my office with the grandbaby twins who are 7 weeks old and I got to hold each of them in turn. Sure had me longing for the Public Health job I did three years ago. Sigh. The best part was the news that the proposed cruise partner for the next jaunt is going to be able to stay the weekend when she comes to visit next month. Yeehaw.

My grow op continues to do quite well as I work diligently to protect it from the felines and cleaning lady. I have managed to sprout some summer savory, pansies and basil and have planted my garlic chives outdoors so although I did not inherit a green thumb I haven't completely disappointed my Mother's Day gift.

There has been talk (and only that) about the building of a greenhouse by the life partner. Well, actually it's been in the planning stage since we moved over to the new house three years ago but each spring it's added to next years list. Well...this year the planning got as far as calling the excavator guy to come and clear a spot near the barn on the road side and bring some fill. Not wanting to discourage the cleaning up of spot which reminds one of Fred Sanford & Son (for those who remember his sitcom junkyard) with gear, machinery, engine parts, punts, outboards, refundables etc. as you make you way towards the house, I encouraged the venture. Well, this evening when I headed down the driveway I noticed a newly created parking area.....on the side towards the house - this was not what was planned. Apparently there was a miscommunication between the shore captain and the excavator operator. Now, I had to ask him "why didn't you mark that with a stick/sign for him?" and was told "no, he understood what I meant" I promptly replied "apparently he didn't or we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we?"

We already knew we live in a great place but I'm told that $6600 were raised at the benefit last Sunday for the community member having treatments. Almost as much as was raised last year for the little girl with the heart arrythmia.

I leave you with the quote of the day:

So often we try to alter circumstances to suit ourselves, instead of letting them alter us, which is what they are meant to do. Mother Maribel