Monday, October 22, 2007

And there's more

I thought I had posted for the day but wait...there's more. I came home from work today to find the two 2L of milk and one 2L of orange juice still in the milk crate. Today was 22 c from about 10 a.m. on, just a beautiful fall day. The man without a memory had offered to retrieve the milk as I was leaving early and I reminded him of his promise as I was leaving and wrote a note on the whiteboard. I have to tell you that I didn't feel good about seeing it sitting there by the road when I left have to trust. Let me assure you I had some kind of hissy fit when I returned home at 4:45 p.m. to find the milk cooking in the balmy afternoon temperatures. When I yelled in anger that he needed a brain transplant, the hired man who was painting lobster traps said "that's good I know what I can get him for Christmas" and I told him that he couldn't afford it on his wages as it would be like starting from scratch as there was nothing there to work with!

I pulled a stunt which was in the same league this evening. I got out the passport applications and started filling them in. This meant digging out supporting documents such as birth certificates etc. And trust me this part of the exercise was under protest from mister. When I have the things mostly completed the man looks at this passport and says "these don't expire until next year" so that's a savings of over $150 and all the angst we were getting into. Arrghh.

Definitely time to call it in for the day due to lack of sleep. We're off to visit tomorrow after work with friends (former coworkers) who are having a meeting in Rose Bay the next couple of days at Salty Rose Cottages: here's the link:

Then we'll stop on the way home to pick up some groceries for the camp. Wednesday evening will be spent baking a birthday cake for the soon to be 20 yr old son and then Thursday we'll leave right after work for the redneck vacation as my team mate who's covering for me calls it. Yeehaw it'll make it a long weekend.