Chaortic that's what my life is - it means organized chaos - what better descriptor? This morning my work day was begun by a call from the Team Leader describing an animal control problem which resulted in a dog altercation in the patient care area. At first I thought she was trying to cheer me up from my dismal duties but sadly...the situation was for real. Sigh. I forwarded the pet and companion animals draft policy. I also had a call from IT about running wires (no problem) which they'd forgotten to share. Likely (I thought but did not say aloud) because they were too busy checking to see what I was up to. I got a call the end of last week asking if the streaming video I was watching was related to work (it was) as folks get reported to IT when they use a lot of bandwidth. Sounds like a much better use of resources than increasing capacity (I thought sarcastically but did not say aloud again) as the webcast was from the Center for Disease Control and broadcast globally. Sigh. This set the tone for the day and I can say is...I sure wish I bought lottery tickets or...had a pension. I cheered myself up by checking out this nice poster which we first saw at Ledgehill as usual you can click on it to enlarge for reading:

My baking spree continued this p.m. as I made a pizza for supper then macaroni and cheese casserole (hard to do that without macaroni eh?) which went in the freezer, another loaf of brown bread, a batch of chocolate chip cookies (sans nuts) and an apple pie and pie shell for pumpkin pie. Two more loaves of brown bread and I'm done. Guess that was worth missing scrapbooking for but I can always go next Tuesday. Looking forward to having the gang home to eat up all the treats - only three more sleeps until the weekend - it's no fun as I don't even have to hide them from the husband just threaten him and he doesn't eat em. And of course those cats just can't wait for all the attention awaiting them.
Off to catch up a bit on what Temperance Brennan is doing in the Kathy Reichs novel. In my younger years it would've meant a flashlight under the wool blanket to read by. I have to limit myself at the end of the chapter and send myself to bed. It's that good!