I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. ~Author Unknown
It’s one of those spooky, cool evenings with crispy leaves scattering and blowing in the wind that would’ve been the highlight of my year about 40 years ago as we collected treats which would’ve provided a sugar high for the weeks to come. Now it’s become a time to see how much the neighbour’s kids have grown over the past year and catch up on the news with their chauffeurs. We sure remember those days when our kids were twisted tight as springs and now it’s only the cats that are wound up. Here is Stanley checking out the jack o’lantern I carved before supper. You can see he’s Mister Cranky Pants as he’s just woken up from a nap. There are fewer little ones each trick or treating each season so I have to be sure not to buy too much candy as the big kid here doesn’t need it. He keeps making foraging runs out to the dish in the front entry and I continue to threaten him there may be one more little one yet to arrive. So far we’ve had about a dozen goblins.
Today at work the costume theme was 50s and 60s so there were lots of poodle skirts and sweaters in evidence. Wearing my 1974 themed jean outfit of bell-bottoms, embroidered jean jacket, sandals, t-shirt, jean bag and tie around my head sure made me nostalgic for those simpler days. Especially with all the insanity at work today – 2007 style. This leads me to share some profound thoughts forwarded by one of my retired summer neighbours “retirement is still great. I keep reading your Blog so I know you are ready to retire and will have plenty to do when you do. I don't understand people who wonder what they will do when they have all that free time--I can tell them they will wonder when they ever had time to work. You sound like you are extremely busy, you already sound like you don't really have time to work. You better retire.” I most sincerely wish this were the case in the short-term. Sigh. And I can assure you that I was not the only person in my workgroup harboring these feelings by the end of the day.
Off to get ready for another day tomorrow. Just two more before the weekend. Yeehaw.