First I started out on Friday evening with a visit from daughter # 1 main man who dropped by with a gift certifcate for us to Charlotte Lane (complete with schedule of events to make you drool like a labrador retriever) I was getting ready for my busy weekend 'off' by making sweet n sour pork for the potluck at the writing workshop on Saturday (It was a beautiful setting and a great opportunity to get together and eat all day) Then I decided to make some squares as I was feeling guilty about the real estate agent sitting at the old house for the afternoon by herself - yep, she did for two hours as there wasn't one visit to the open house and it was a beautiful sunny fall afternoon. Guess she was right about those things not working here. Sigh.
After the writing workshop I headed into the hospital and sat with my brother-in-law for the night (he's recovering from a stroke) and his wife is exhausted. He was restless but I managed to catch a few ZZZs and so headed home in the late morning in time to take my contribution for the community benefit (yes we still do those things here) to the hall. Apparently over $2000 was raised - awesome!
The afternoon resulted in the transplanted garden shown above. It was a beautiful warm day so it worked out just right. My friend the landscape designer with the great eye is responsible for the artistic arrangement. I was tasked with pulling out the grass (we each have our own talents) and the man in my life dug some holes for us. He is someone who likes to look at gardens but not work in them if you know what I mean. He came to the project late, left early and wandered off for lunch and had to be retrieved by yours truly (and all this after being threatened to cooperate) but we did get two hours of work out of him. As my friend said "it's fairly obvious he's not commited to the project" I told her it was also because he was being told what to do not the reverse.
This morning was to have been a call for jury duty for the shore captain. He had completely forgotten about it and was headed out the door to deliver fish to another plant when I remembered. I encouraged him to call the 'hot line' number they provided and luck was with him as the jury call was cancelled. Whew. He would've been in a bad way if it had been on. I'm not sure if being the man without a memory would hold up in front of a judge.
My day today was unbelievably frantic - it involved several breeds of communicable disease at once (mercifully not in the same individual) and all the excitement that creates, the phone was in overdrive, flu vaccine arrived, no one was happy, my lunch was eaten at 2:30 on the run, and I felt like I'd been paroled when I managed to 'scale the wall' after 4 p.m.
On a positive note the nursing student continues on with her academic success - an 83 on a nursing assignment on lit searches. She is working on a group project on nursing in the 80s and that is 1980s - hardly ancient history in this old nurse's opinion.
I have retrieved the Hallowe'en decorations much to the delight of the felines - you wouldn't think of it as a cat favorite holiday would you now? I must catch Stanley next to the pumpkin lights as he is the appropriate black cat for the season. That's tomorrow's photo op.