Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Survival mode

That's what I was in today - survival mode as I hit the ground running. It was a juggling act from the get-go. Orientation for about 30 employees/nursing students as well as 175 emails to sort through. And this was all being done remotely as I head back into the office tomorrow it'll prove even more interesting.

Had calls from both university student daughters today. The first one from daughter # 2 who had an infectious disease / quarantine question about a student and she sounded terrible herself with a hoarse voice and sinus troubles again. Hard to be looking after others when you feel so rotten yourself. She sweetly asked how her Dad and I were doing on our own - the cats are making sure we're not lonely I told her. The second call was from daughter # 3 and dealt mainly with finances but I was relieved to hear the dental surgery was healing well.She says she "now has internet and couldn't love it more than I do...is having a good time, meeting lots of people" So UNB is treating her as well as I thought when I dropped her off. Both of them were enjoying their orientation week and classes will start over the next two days.

A colleague at work was telling me about 'helicopter parents' who were hovering, unpacking students things etc. and we were both amazed at this (apparently increasing) behaviour. We agreed that you have to have left your kids with some lifeskills by the time they're old enough to go off after high school or they never will survive. We're all meeting our developmental milestones with the moving on, adjusting to a quiet house etc.

I went to scrapbooking with daughter # 1 (she treated) and it was nice to have a visit and get caught up on the news. I also got four pages on my house construction album done. I'm installing the cupboards now so getting into the finish work. Will be having a scrap session here at the house on September 20th so anyone who is lurking and in the area is welcome.

Tomorrow evening the other-half is traveling to Halifax for a meeting on Thursday a.m. so a pre-meeting on Wed. p.m. over supper. This will give me a chance to get my homework together for the writing workshop and leave some meals so he won't notice I'm gone until at least Saturday.