Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mid week Break Presentation

According to how well today went I'd say the middle day of the week is a good day to take off. I headed out early to do some in person banking and then meet daughter #1 for the trip to the library.

There were 12 in the audience and the lady organizing said 10 was a usual number. Mostly retired folks who all heartily endorsed being retired and advised I should try it - if only I could. The presentation went well, the brown bread was a hit, they asked lots of questions, smiled in the appropriate places and thanked me at the end saying they'd enjoyed it. My voice managed to hang in for the duration but I still sound terrible. The videographer is going to edit the material down to about a 30 minutes DVD after I give her the CD of photos I used for the PowerPoint. I'm aiming for January to have it ready to send off to an agent so perhaps a springtime cruise will be available.

Daughter # 1 and I headed down to the Old World Cafe which is a Greek bakery - great sandwiches - for lunch. Then off to check out scrapbooking supplies and crafts before heading over to WalMart to pick up some essentials. She took home KFC for supper so we were bathed in the fried chicken aroma by the time we made it back. All in all a very successful day.

I was making supper when the phone rang and the number in the call display was the Alzheimer Unit of the nursing home my Mom lives in. Fearing staff were phoning to say she'd fallen or wasn't feeling well I quickly picked up the receiver. To my amazement my mother's voice clearly called me by name and asked how I was. I stammered a surprised "fine" reply with my hoarse voice but I heard her say to the staff member with her "you dialed the wrong number this is some man" as she walked away from the phone. The PCW who had dialed said "she asked to talk to you and wanted me to call so I phoned and then she couldn't hear you, my goodness what is the matter with your voice you do sound like a man?" I told her I hadn't been in to visit because of this 'bug' but that she had absolutely made my day with that great surprise. We both had a good chuckle at the circumstances.

Off to a Tri-District Infection Control meeting (sounds riveting doesn't it?) tomorrow which means a road trip. I'm being picked up which means I don't have to drive but don't have as much control about my schedule and it promises to be a long day.