Friday, October 19, 2007

Anniversary of

Today is the anniversary of my freedom from one of the worst employment situations I'd gotten myself into. It was three years ago today that a new Manager who I'd never met phoned me in the home office where I was working doing case management across the province for Blue Cross (now Medavie) to say....she was very sorry (didn't sound a bit so -actually I could hear the smile in her voice) that my position was being reorganized and my services were no longer required, this was not due to my work and wasn't personal, I would be paid out until February and did I need her to call any clients today? No? Then she was giving the phone to the Human Resources clerk. I was stunned, disbelieving, angry, concerned about university tuition, but most of all.... relieved. Of all the employers I've had in my varied career they rank up there as the worst in treatment of their employees. It was one of the better outcomes to NOT work for them. I walked across the road to where the shore captain was working on lobster gear and announced I was unemployed. After he ascertained that I wasn't making a lame joke he matter of factly said "well, we haven't starved to death yet, I don't expect we're going to start" Then a smile came across his face and he said "now you have some time you'll be able to come back to camp" I haven't looked back.

The quote of the day by Socrates sums it up as "the unexamined life is not worth living" There are folks who drift along never questioning life - must be boring I'd think.

I remembered to renew my RN license online this afternoon and a good thing as it's due Oct 31st. I've thought of it a few times but the $446.88 in one lump sum put me off. I've started this year off properly by having the payroll deductions started so it won't be as painful in 2008. Although the amount was less years ago (I think $75 the first year I graduated) the timing sucked as fees used to come due the end of the year with Christmas etc. so we lobbied for an end of October date 20+ yrs ago. This will be one expense that I will think long and hard about dropping even into retirement as an active RN license opens many doors for example to overseas missions, casual shifts in long term care, various short term projects etc. And to let it go after this many years....

I was reading the online posting of CubaNews today and there was a description of the socialist system as: bureaucratic arteriosclerosis and work indiscipline. Not that this couldn't apply to our capitalist system just as well....especially the healthcare system. No, I don't want to think about it as it's officially now the weekend and all that is behind me for another two days.

I submitted my resume and some clippings of articles I've written on nursing in Cuba to Saltscapes for the project they're undertaking with some pieces needed on various healthcare topics. Might be a nice diversion from the realities of my life. We'll see.